Surf the HipSnip webring to find other scrappy young mommies!
Need scrapbook layout ideas? Want to share yours? Join the ring to show your talent as a young mom
who knows how to scrap! We share layout ideas, journalling tips, cropping advice, and everything in between!
Ring Guidelines
Click here to open a window with
our Ring Guidelines.
Does your site meet the requirements? If so, please join the ring by following the simple steps below:
Copy the Graphic:
Save one of these ring graphics (right click and choose "save as...") and upload it to your website.
Choose graphic #1 if you want a text-links ring code, and choose graphic #2 if you want an image-map
ring code!

hipsnipring.gif (with white background)

hipsnipring2.gif (for the image-map friends!)
Copy the Ring Code:
* * * There are two ring codes to choose from. Choose code #1 if you choose graphic #1
and would like a regular (image with text links) ring set-up. Choose #2 if you choose graphic #2
and would like an image-map (image with links in the image) set-up. If you not at all familiar
with HTML, we recommend using code and graphic #1! * * *

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Add your Site to the Queue:
Fill out this form to add your site to the ring queue. The ringmaster
will review your site and if it meets the requirements, if the ring code
is working properly, and if the graphic is working properly, your site
will be added to the ring! :)
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HipSnip Ring site belongs to
the HipSnip Ring.
Ring Creation: March 2004
Last Update: March 2004
All site design and content © YMHS 1999-2006
E-mail webmaster/ringmaster.