This webring was created in June 2001 to bring together people who believe that our children are our future. In today's negative world, sometimes it is so discouraging to think about what our children are being brought up to believe. This webring is hoping to change that by showing an encouraging number of parents and other caring individuals who have stepped forth and made the statement that they believe our children are the future and that they will make every effort to help make our world a better place by helping children grow up to be loving and caring people who will help save our world! Our children hold the light of the future in their hands! If you share this belief, whether you are a parent yet or not, please join our ring!
Ring Guidelines:Click here to open a window with our Ring Guidelines.
Step OneCopy the graphic below and upload it onto your webpage:
Step TwoCopy the code below and paste it onto your webpage (this page must be the same one you submit to the ring!):
belongs to ***SITE OWNER***.
Step ThreeSubmit your site below. The ringmaster will review your site and if it meets the requirments, you will be added to the ring. Thanks for joining! :)
This ring is Powered by Ringsurf ![]() Here is what the ring will look like on your page. This is a working ring code as well since this site is the 1st site in the ring! :)
belongs to The ~Our Children~ Ring.