Mommy Chat Slang

Wondering what all those strange letters stand for? Seeing all sorts of accronyms on message boards?
Here's a quick list YM has compiled of some of the chat slang used by mommies on the web...
Emotions & Expressions::) = happy face
:P = sticking out tongue
:( = sad face
;) = winky face
LOL = laughing out loud
LMBO = laughing my butt off (or LMAO - laughing my a** off)
ROTFLMAO = rolling on the floor laughing my a** off
BTW = by the way
PPL = people
ITA = I totally agree
TIA = thanks in advance
TFS = thanks for sharing
IMHO = in my humble opinion
JFYI = just for your information
OMG = oh my God!
WTH?,WTF? = what the hell?, what the f***?
((((HUGS))) or *H* = I am giving you hugs
GMTA = great minds think alike
HTH = hope this helps
IRL = in real life (as in, offline)
LMK = let me know
J/K = just kidding
KWIM? = know what I mean?
TTYL = talk to you later
TTFN = ta-ta for now
WWYD = what would you dp?
MIA = missing in action (away)
DD, DS = dear daughter, dear son
DSD, DSS = dear step-daughter, dear step-son
DA = dear angel
BD = Baby Dad
Bson, Bdaughter, Bmom = birth daughter, birth son, birth/bio mom
SO = significant other
GF, BF = girlfriend, boyfriend (or breastfeeding, depending on the context!)
DH = dear husband (or dumb husband, depending on the context!)
MIL, FIL, BIL, SIL = mother/father/brother/sister in-law
GP = general practitioner (doctor)
NP = nurse practitioner
Rx = prescription
Tx = treatment
Dx = diagnosis
AF = aunt flo (your period)
M/C , MC, misc. = miscarriage
PG, preggos = pregnant (pregnancy)
HPT = home pregnancy test
EDD = expected date of delivery (expected due date)
BC, BCP = birth control, birth control pill
DP = depo provera (the shot birth control)
STD = sexually transmitted disease
BRB = be right back
WB = welcome back
TY = thank you
NP = no problem
*G* = grin
GTG, G2G = got to go
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